Perceive and Believe as a cognitive problem

Today I added this research question:  What causes people to “perceive and believe” that a specific heuristic best matches a problem?

Here, what people “perceive and believe” also applies to the problem itself, which seems even more complex if there is emotional content associated with the problem.

Are there different heuristics associated with emotion? If so, are they within conscious awareness and rational action? Is the emotional component more likely to change or have a half-life?


Donec lobortis neque vel nibh aliquam ut auctor tellus condimentum. Cras lectus magna, aliquet vitae tempor in, lobortis vel mi. Aenean interdum eleifend mauris, nec fermentum lacus semper et. Quisque ante lacus, accumsan eu pretium non, aliquam facilisis erat. Cras ac porta nisl. Pellentesque pharetra tempus viverra. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque ullamcorper erat quis nulla eleifend.

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